I usually don't post up casual pictures on here, but I'll make one exception. Of course, first pictures are of some sceneries:

Took this during my economics class. Holycrapshat, that 4 hour class kills me.
Also during econ.
Ok, now on to FTC. Um, compared to when I was in Key Club back at Creek, Circle K DeAnza is definitely, as Henry would say, pretty damn ghetto. I am probably the most unghetto person in the club. No one wants to tell me what a shocker is. I suppose I'd rather it be a mystery, especially after the "chode" and "queef" vocabulary incident with Garrett during my sophomore year. Let's not get into that.
My Singaporean roommates.
Minh Thi and Jennifer
John in his natural habitat
Supposedly this is what Circle K is about... (this guy is from Berkeley)
.... and this is our CK Vice President, John. He's really cool. No sarcasm, really.
I... have no idea.
Precious, aren't they? =] I seriously think Rosie looks so much like Kon. There were so many times I had to restrain myself from calling her Kon because I'd think they're one person. Except Kon's a little spastic. [my eyes are definitely not as small as John's :P]
What the hell does that hand sign mean?? >:[
John Huynh. Guzzling.
Awesome shirt.
I hate that game.
CK President Phung...[insert last name here]. It always looks like he just got out of bed. 'sall good. ^^
She did that while handcuffed.
Photoshot by Buu
I think most members were in the dark about having to wear scrubs around camp.
Let's ignore Phung for a bit and admire the lighting. That's awesome lighting right there. So warm. He's like the sun.
Ok, now you can notice that he's wearing a yellow bus.
Me and Michelle Wall at the dinner table.
Obviously ignoring MY camera. (Well, myself included XD)
ET and Phung doing the macarena
Doing what he does best: being loud and obnoxious. This applies to all the male officers.
Mary (drinking coffee), Jennifer, Rose, and... Buu? (I always laugh inside when I hear "buu" because that's Japanese for pig noises)
Fong and I. Met him at the Haunted House event in Oakland a couple weeks ago.
And that concludes my FTC experience. It was awesome.
These pictures were from ET's/Mother's/Grandmother's birthday. There was a lot of food. I was happy and that's what's most important. Oh, and ET's becoming of an "adult". Aw.
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