Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Healthy Burger

I decided to be lazy today and not do anything, but after 5 hours of staying at home, I got pretty restless. And when I do, I venture into my sister's room and lounge around on her bed, moping and basically being pathetic. Eventually we decided we had the munchies for burgers and drove to the grocery store to buy burger ingredients.

She wanted hamburger but I convinced her to agree with me on turkey burgers since they were 99% fat free. The other day I was at Barnes and Nobles looking through this one book that documented pictures of families from each country photographed with a week's worth of food they'd buy. Sad to say that the American families' food supply was completely supplied in CARDBOARD. Junkfood, cereal, tv dinners... it was horrifying compared to the European/Asian/etc families whose food consisted more of fresh meats, fruits and veggies.

Anywho, here are some horrific pictures of the burgers I made. The lighting wasn't very good, so I tried to use flash (which I hate doing) and one without (to which I butchered horribly in photoshop). The burgers were actually quite flavorful and might I say, MORE delicious than a hamburger and LESS greasy.

Ground turkey
steak seasoning
olive oil

1. Transfer the ground turkey into a large bowl
2. Chop the garlic and shallots and put into the large bowl with the turkey
3. Add salt/pepper, steak seasoning, and a table spoon of olive oil in the bowl and combine with the meat.
4. Slice up your tomato and onion, and wash your lettace to assemble in your burger later
5. Make a decent sized patty (a little bit larger than your bun because it'll shrink. Also, DO NOT PACK TIGHTLY or else the meat will be a dense hocky puck)
6. Toast your buns with a slice of cheese on the lower bun

When the meat is done, just assemble the ingredients and viola! A healthy burger without the guilt.

1 comment:

Khanh said...

That looks totally good, it also looks almost like in n out!