I'll just be honest and say that my hands are NOT delicate in the slightest bit. They're fat with some callousness here and there. Even my pinky has rolls, but I've manage to mimick the art of a sake nigiri sushi. Isn't it a beaut?

So here's my workplace or more like my experiment lab. I didn't have any fresh salmon on me, just frozen ones, so I was careful not to defrost it artificially in the microwave. Instead, I let it sit on the kitchen counter by the stove to warm it up. That way, it'll taste almost like fresh sake sashimi instead of the gross ones left out all day by incompetent Japanese restaurants.
green onion
nori (seaweed)
sriracha hot sauce
soy sauce
Soy Sauce
mix a dab of wasabi into soy sauce (haha easy)
Mayo Sauce
Mix sriracha with mayo (good sushi is so simple)
Begin by cooking the rice. When it is done, DO NOT PUT IT IN THE FRIDGE. Lightly sprinkle in some of the sugar vinegar solution and mix in with the rice. It was cold today so I just left it outside to cool for half an hour.
Once the salmon is defrosted, cut into desired size strips and make sure the stripes of the salmon crosses horizontally along your pieces of sashimi. Prepare slicing the onions and avocado.
When the rice is cooled, scoop some onto some plastic wrap on top of a bamboo mat. The mat helps you roll the sushi and if you don't have one... well, good luck. Flatten your scoop of rice into a rectangular shape (Advice: to prevent rice sticking on your hands, dampen your hands with water). On top of your rice, put your seaweed (you can use scissors to adjust the size of the seaweed sheets). After that, just assemble your avocado, onion and salmon (make sure they are cut into strips). Once rolled, put thin slices of salmon on top and top it off with the spicy mayo and bake at 350 degrees for 2 and half minutes.
Lunardi's courtyard. At the right time, it can be really really pretty. Today wasn't that great, but decent.
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