Long time no cook. I've honestly been eating out way more than I did a year ago, but I guess it's because of schoolwork. My first year of college I studied very hard (except for last quarter hehe.. =x).
It was about 11pm and I was in my sister's room watching tv with her. We were both watching Survivorman on the Discovery Channel where this man just deserts himself in a desert. The only crew he has is himself (he records himself with two cameras). He made a contraption to trap "food". With all his efforts, he got ONE squirrel under a rock and it was no a pretty sight. The poor squirrel was flat as a pancake!! The man roasted it over an open fire and ate it.
I don't know if that made my sister hungry, but by the end of the show, she was whining, "I'm sooo hungry...." and kicking me on the bed. We went to the kitchen and behold. I made an empanada out of pancake mix, milk and eggs. The filling I made out of canned chicken, red onion, a clove of garlic and mixed in some garlic chili sauce. The first one I fried but I forgot how fast pancake mix cooks, so it got BURNT BLACK! The other one I baked in the oven with some eggwash and it turned out waaaaayyyyy better.