For the past two months, my mom's been extremely busy with work, so my sister and I don't get our usual after school snacks anymore =[. Today I made my usual pasta with basic ingredients. Like fried rice, you would throw in old rice and whatever you have lying around. For this pasta, I did the same thing. Nothing fancy, but I did mess up on the meat. While I was defrosted the chunk of ground beef, I forgot about it in the microwave and it was almost well done and tough -_-. That meant that I could not season it well. However in the end, I managed to throw in all sorts of spices and it came out more than decent due to the pasta. My linguine was AL DENTE to the boot! It was the perfect texture.
Barilla Linguine (I would say 1/4 of the box)
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp salt
3 or 4 cloves of garlic
1 quarter red onion
4 LARGE white button mushrooms (after it had cooked, I could find the mushrooms anywhere! They shrink so much)
1/4 cup Italian bread crumbs
1 1/3 cup Vodka sauce
1/2 lbs ground beef
Begin by boiling your water and while the water is heating, dice the onion, chop the garlic, slice mushrooms, and set aside. Get another saute pan and add olive oil on medium-high heat. When it's hot enough, add onion and garlic, and cook enough so that onion is translucent and garlic is fragrant but not brown. Add beef and bread crumbs. Cook until beef is 60% done and add mushrooms.
By this time the water must be boiling (hopefully). Add about 1 tbs of salt to the water and add the pasta. This should take about 10 minutes. While the pasta is cooking, add in the vodka sauce in the saute pan, and let it simmer with the beef and mushroom mix on low-medium heat. Once the pasta is al dente, add it to the saute pan and combine it with the sauce until each strand is coated. If the sauce is too thick, add a little bit of pasta water.